If addiction is a spiritual problem ,with a proven 12 step solution , why is recovery failing? Why has the AA recovery rate gone down? The majority of rehabs are TSF (twelve step facilities) shouldnt people be getting better? We can start with the rehab industry, and the disease concept of addiction. History and science...Read More
I came to t-12 , even though I needed help, my 1st instinct ,was to get out. Not to mention i wanted to use, the more and more ,the longer i was sober. The 1st month ,I was just coming back to planer earth,but I did see something here that rang true, so I pushed...Read More
The only way to treat addiction is to understand the root of the problem and get the right solution to fix it. My whole life I was searching for meaning and purpose to life. I was spiritually dead and always felt something was missing. Alcohol/drugs is the closest thing in this world that mimics spirituality,...Read More
This article is based on observable results through the Torah and the Twelve Steps approach. That is the twelve steps as exactly practiced as was done in early AA text, nicknamed the Big Book. This is not a theory or philosophy, it is an experience far deeper than any therapy, it is based on Divine...Read More